Pick an Episode from the Archive Pick an Episode Happy New Year! (1/6/25) Radio in Brooklyn w/my dad (11/25/24) The Music of the Frankfurt School (11/18/24) Ives and the week after (11/11/24) New Releases (11/4/24) Delectable, Dialectical Ives (10/21/24) One Year of Genocide in Palestine - A Meditation and Resources for Action (10/7/24) Bruckner's Delicate Violence (9/16/24) "I think I would write a musical before I wrote an opera": The Timo Andres Interview (9/9/24) Why Is It So Hard to Play Mozart? (feat. pianist Orli Shaham) (8/26/24) Mozart: Not Just a Pretty Face (8/19/24) It's Been a Weill (8/5/24) La Marseillaise on Mondays Never Gets Me Down (7/15/24) Was Beethoven Really That Great? (7/1/24) We gonna pull a publicity stunt (feat. Gail Wein) 6/24/24 New releases 6/17/24 Rediscovered feat. Schulhoff, Loeffler, and Beethoven/Mahler (6/10/24) The Schmaltzy and The Sentimental (feat. my dad) 6/3/24 Rebekah Heller on finding your own voice as a classical musician (5/27/24) Tyshawn Sorey: Pulitzer winner + Exclusive Preview and other new shit The Man From There Returns (w/ Theo Haber) 5/6/24 For You, Brooklyn (4/29/24) Yunchan WIN Boulangerie ECLIPSE! Live reporting and celestial songs (4/8/24) The Sinonó Interview (3/25/24) Valses tristes et bizarres (3/18/24) My Mom!!! "My Ultimate Goal Is To Stop Time": The Ka Baird Interview (2/26/24) New Releases Galore (2/12/24) BKers, Old and New (1/29/24) Black Box, Rubber Chicken (feat. Leonard Bopp and Theo Haber) (1/22/24) The Ursula Oppens Interview The Body is the Biggest Recorder Possible (an interview with Shelley Hirsch) in the beginning, there was music The Best of Noise, 2023 Let Me Finnish! Truman Capote dances in my grandfather's TV repair shop, and other tales of Brooklyn, musical and literary (feat. my dad) I love you, Lenny Who you callin' an amateur? Furniture Music Theme and Variations: The Original Cover (11/6/23) Ghosts Rags and Songs of Hell (10/30/23) The Beats Read Their Poems Themselves (special, 10/29/23) Crazy Songs, Rococo Variations 10/23/23 Zodiac Suite (feat. Aaron Diehl) 10/16/23 Dvorak, Mazzoli, Webern, Purcell, Mingjia, Julius Eastman 9/25/23 Make It New (Part 4) 9/18/23 Make It New (Part 3) Make It New(er) (Part 2) Make It New (Part 1) Classical Whammy Bars (feat. Guitarist Ben Verdery) Guitar Galore! Songs of Innocence Who's Afraid of Arnold Schoenberg? What Wittgenstein Hated What Wittgenstein Loved The Force of July Testing My Limits Juneteenth - Coda Pianist-Composers Soul, Serendipity, and Sono Fest (Feat. Jimmy Greenfield of Soapbox Gallery) What the hell is this show about anyway? Waltzing to Mothers Day Death Girl Smythy and Birthday Boy Brahms (feat. Caroline Shaw) Music from Across the Pacific Pond Sufjan Stevens is Writing a Ballet??? Deux Hommages I Accidentally Played the Most Beautiful Music Ever??? Girls Rule (a Belated Celebration of International Women's History Month) Showres Soote (Rites of Spring) It's Just Music! - Pulling Out All the (Organ) Stops Classical (and Jazz) Lovers Making fun of Wagner (or, "The French") Pianississimo Songs of Resistance The Lyrical and the Bombastic In C and the Sixties The Russian Schism War of the Romantics Querelle des bouffons Tunes from a Tale Declassifying classical music with special guest Arianna Warsaw-Fan Rauch Nold Something I Hate About You SPOOKY SCARY SOMNABULATING SKELETONS The Spooky Before the Spooky To Snob or Not to Snob CLASH OF MUSICS: classical vs. pop (feat. special guest Matteo Scher) Polska Polska Polska Classical Autumn From Hungary to Ethiopia God Save the Colonizer - uh, sorry...Queen Bach to the Future (and Past) Tragic and Sensual Episode the first