Hosted by Sam Ives LIVE every Tuesday at 7:00pm
Want to be in on the joke? Tune into Song-in-Cheek. From the wackiest and most overt parodies to the subtlest of genre critiques, this is a show that takes being unserious very seriously. We want to make you think -- but maybe not too hard. Just a little bit. "Did I just hear that??" Yes, yes you did. Sarcasm, irony, and absurdism are the name of the game on Song-in-Cheek.
About Sam Ives

Sam Ives lives one week at a time. Working as a DJ and station manager for WICB in upstate New York exposed him to dozens of formats and thousands of hours of songs. Through this, his brain was slowly pounded and forged anew and askew. Now, he is madly in love with music, weird and sweet music. His current mission is to enact the same brutal punishment upon any potential listeners -- share sounds that irreversibly change lives, that send souls madly pursuing artistic endeavors. In a fun way!