Did The Jam Have a Perfect Cover?
Did The Jam Have a Perfect Cover?

Where Curtis Mayfield lays back, The Jam lean forward.

The Greatest American Rock ‘N’ Roll Band Is…
The Greatest American Rock ‘N’ Roll Band Is…

When considering the Greatest American Rock band, apply the three C’s: Critical acclaim, Commercial success, and Cultural relevance.

Yo-Yo Ma and the Impetuousness of Youth
Yo-Yo Ma and the Impetuousness of Youth

Like wine, some musicians get better with age.

Local Artist Spotlight: Bette Smith
Local Artist Spotlight: Bette Smith

Bette Smith's new music sounds like a party

The Worst Pop Song of All Time?
The Worst Pop Song of All Time?

"Hey Soul Sister" is a memorable, significant song, but for all the wrong reasons.

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