Clear the Dance Floor

Hosted by Colby Smith LIVE every Sunday at 4:00pm

'Clear the Dance Floor' is a comedy talk show hosted by Colby Smith. We take listeners' calls on topics like 'What's the greatest song released during your lifetime?', 'What's the most messed up thing someone's said to you at a party?' and 'Why do board games bother Colby so damn much?' Our guests include writers, comedians, and musicians from Brooklyn and beyond. Tune in for an hour of radio that delights the mind and tickles the soul.

About Colby Smith

Colby Smith is a writer and performer based in New York City. He has appeared on MTV, IFC, and The Travel Channel, and has taken his hour of comedy, "Sleeping Giant," to sold-out crowds in New York and Los Angeles. He writes about books on his Substack, "Actually Really Smart."

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